
Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants services offered in Bowie, MD

Dental implants provide a safe and effective way to restore teeth lost to extractions, cavities, and other oral issues. At Pointer Ridge Dental Care in Bowie, Maryland, general and cosmetic dentist Shila Yazdani, DDS, MBA, and the team specialize in placing and restoring dental implants. Call Pointer Ridge Dental Care today to schedule a dental implant consultation, or book your appointment online. 

Dental Implants Q&A

How are dental implants placed?

Dental implants are small metal posts inserted into your empty tooth sockets. After placement, they fuse with your upper or lower jaw and provide a foundation for crowns, bridges, or implant-supported dentures.

Since dental implants integrate with your bone, they function like your natural teeth. With optimal oral hygiene and routine preventive care, they typically last a lifetime.

Are there different types of dental implants?

The Pointer Ridge Dental Care team offers several types of dental implants, including:

Traditional implants

Traditional implants are titanium posts that replace your natural tooth roots. The Pointer Ridge Dental Care team might recommend this treatment approach if you’re missing one or two permanent teeth. Once placed, traditional implants support crowns or bridges.

All-On-Four® implants

All-On-Four implants typically replace a full arch of teeth (upper or lower). Your provider inserts four implants into your upper or lower jaw. These four implants support a row of artificial teeth, restoring your smile. 

Hybrid implant techniques (implant-retained dentures)

Hybrid implants, or implant-retained dentures, are similar to All-On-Four implants. The difference is they’re supported by 6-8 dental implants instead of four. 

Dental implant restorations (crowns and bridges)

Dental implant restorations cover your dental implants. The Pointer Ridge Dental Care team attaches these restorations to the titanium posts, restoring your ability to bite and chew. 

What does getting dental implants involve?

Getting dental implants at Pointer Ridge Dental Care takes several appointments spaced over a few months.

If you qualify for treatment, your provider numbs your mouth and places a series of small titanium posts into your upper or lower jaw. After surgery, they take digital scans of your mouth,  cover your implants with temporary restorations, and provide recovery instructions.

Several months later, when the implants finish fusing with your jaw or alveolar (the bone that anchors your upper teeth), you return to the office. Your provider replaces the temporary restorations with permanent ones, checks your bite, and polishes your teeth. 

Do dental implants require special care?

Caring for dental implants is like caring for your teeth. The team recommends brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and visiting the office every six months for teeth cleaning and an oral exam.

Call Pointer Ridge Dental Care today to explore the benefits of dental implants, or book your visit online.